A new, integral approach to empower your voice, recover from voice dysfunctions and sing & speak freely again



Our voice is so much more than just an instrument we use while speaking, singing or expressing ourselves.

Our voice is a fine-tuned, intimate living entity, a channel of our core being.

Our voice is intimately connected to our emotions, psyche, body, spirit, sexuality and energetics. So when we want to empower or heal our voice, we need an integral approach that touches all the layers of our being - not just our voice.

Voice loss is actually about root loss.

In a modern world where almost all of us have lost our connection to the earth and our bodies, we are very easily disconnected from our true self, therefore, our delicate, sensitive, natural voices. Eventually it can start to show up as voice dysfunctions and sensitivities, that can't be solved just through speech therapy or singing lessons. 

Our voice carries the voice of ourselves, our spirit, our ancestors and our lands. 

So to heal our voice, we need to look deeper: we need to come back to our body, our spiritual wellbeing and our roots. We need to embark an embodiment journey back to ourselves.

Our Integral Voice Method is designed to help you to do just that.


Do you want to...   


~ Heal your voice 

~ Find your authentic expression

~ Strenghten your performing presence & impact

 ~ Recover from voice dysfunctions

 ~ Use your voice freely and in empowered way

 ~ Find your soul's unique sound

~ Deepen your connection with yourself, your voice and your roots

 ~ Experience profound shift in your consciousness

~ Embody your soul fully through your voice

 ~ Balance your life & spiritual wellbeing

 ~ Find bliss within





Connect with wild nature and remember your own true nature and your voice's original nature free from all the conditioning, expectations and sociocultural norms.



Establish a daily spiritual practice tailored specifically for your needs and your voice. Your spiritual connection is the foundation of your Integral Voice and your voice being a divine instrument of God.



 Discover the different layers of voice and sound connected to the humanness and release the past from your system so that your voice has space to heal and ground back to your body.


 Your voice carries an intelligence that is connected throughout your body. Through coming deeper into your own body and working with different layers and parts of your body the voice remembers its natural expression. 



 Dive deeper to release the parts, beliefs, patterns and shadows that prevent your soul to sing. Remember who you truly are and let your voice exalt your highest destiny.


Find the medicine of your own ancestral lineage and your roots. Your voice carries a medicine that only you can pass on to serve the humanity. You are not here to just entertain. Through your unique voice you are walking people back Home to themselves.

Empowering your voice starts from embarking an inner journey, building a solid foundation for your being and releasing what is no longer serving you.


The ecosystem of your voice is formed through your spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, energetic and sexual wellbeing.


When the whole ecosystem functions harmoniously, the voice releases its dysfunctions and is free to express itself wholly.

The Founder of The Integral Voice Institute

Hi Beautiful Soul,

My name is Deepthi Godesa and I am the founder of The Integral Voice Institute and The Integral Voice Method

In 2012 I lost my voice and was diagnosed as having a spasmodic dysfonia at my vocal cords. I had been a professional singer, recording artist and performer for years and singing had been my dream career since I was 6. But now my career seemed to be over - at least that's what the doctors told me. 

For the first three months I laid on my yoga mat and learned carefully to breath again without getting my whole respiratory system twisted when I inhaled. I had hardly any speaking voice and singing was simply impossible. No singing teacher, therapist, doctor or healer was able to explain what had happened to me - or tell me how to have my voice back.

Luckily I had my spiritual practices and deeper understanding of the body's innate wisdom and ability to heal itself. Through intense, devoted, non-stop examination, research, practice, inner healing work, sacred feminine practices & reindigenizing work during the past 11 years I've been able to restore my voice and sing, perform and record again.

From my own, embodiment and healing process The Integral Voice Method was born.


"I found out through my own voice recovery process that healing my voice had nothing to do with doing voice practices. Instead my voice took me to a spiritual journey to find my authentic self, restore my own lineage and live according to my highest destiny."

 ~ Deepthi Godesa, Founder of The Integral Voice Method™

Private Integral Voice Mentorship

One-to-one Mentorship is for people who require high-level privacy, intimacy and care while restoring their unique voice and wanting to dive deeper into their voice embodiment process. One-to-one Mentorship is from three to twelve months mentorship which includes:

~ The Integral Voice Method

~ Tailored Voice Health Protocol

~ Nervous System Regulation Map

~ Psycho-Sexual Practices

~ Conscious Living Guidance

~ Mystical Mentoring


~ Astrosofia Counceling

~ Ceremonies

~ Meditations

You have Voxer Days and Private Zoom Calls with Deepthi to have real-time specific guidance on your process of unleashing and healing your voice and realizing your true, authentic nature.


I'm excited to learn more about how I can support your voice empowerment. Fill in the short application and we'll see if The Integral Voice Method is right for you.


Deepthi Godesa is a master Integral Voice Mentor, certified Omega Mentor (Omegaverse), certified singing teacher (Centria University of Applied Sciences, Finland), certified Healing Voice practitioner (Michael Schirmer, Finland) and sacred songstress, recording artist, astrognostic and mentor on sacred feminine mysticism. She is the founder of The Integral Voice Institute and Sacred Woman Academy. She has practiced devotional singing, sacred feminine arts, yoga and meditation for 18 years. She has specialized on restoring the sacred feminine voice on earth through ancestral work, decolonization and supporting the indigenous people of her land. She lives in Finland, on the land of Sámi people, stewarding the land and old log house with her husband and two Russian Blue cats. Through her devoted work she has helped hundreds of women on a path of sacred embodiment and self-realization through voice, pleasure and wealth embodiment during the past 13 years.



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